
What is worn, will become worn

Our pieces are created with the goal of reminding Believers that their actions should reflect our Triune God.

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Over the course of time, our pieces are subject to “wear and tear” since they are connected by an elastic cord. It is recommended to remove your bracelet when performing fast motions that could cause the bracelet to slide off to avoid damage.

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Because the copper beads are genuine copper, discoloration known as “patina” is normal as the bracelet is worn over time.

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There is no power that comes from the bracelet, but there is power in remembering the importance of the Holy Trinity. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are identical because they equally share the same essence. God is the creator of all things. The Son is the exact imprint of God’s nature and because of God’s eternal love of the Son, the overflow of this love extends to us as his creation through the Son. The Son paid the cost for our sins by way of the cross and as a result, we have salvation and communion with God through the Spirit. The Father, the Son,
and the Holy Spirit are one in truth, power, goodness, mercy, and love. Wearing a bracelet that reminds you of these truths should elicit a response of gratitude and the desire to reflect the truth of what you believe.

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Inception Idea

How did this project start? What is the point? Why wear Copper and Christ?

More Pieces

christian bracelet copper and christ christian jewelry

Logo Design

Can you see 2 hexagons in the image, even if there is a side missing? Do you see the equilateral triangle?