Remember the Holy Trinity

Creating pieces to cultivate the remembrance of the Holy Trinity

God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit

physical and visual reminders to choose actions that bring glory to Him

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Having a Copper and Christ piece on your wrist will hopefully help... 

  • Copper

    Our motto: "Let the world Cu" comes from the element's symbol on the periodic table.

    *Fun fact, the date I met my wife was on the 29th.

  • Piece

    Each piece serves as a reminder that peace is already within us. Choosing peace regularly can be a challenge, but it is a challenge worth accepting.

    Bracelet Design 
  • copper and christ, two hexagons forming two intertwined C's. The center contains a diamond with an isosceles triangle. The diamond and triangle create the sign of a fish, similar to an ichthys


    Can you see two hexagons used in the logo? Does it matter that a side is missing? There are two other embedded shapes found in our mark.
